franc3d gui

Fracture Analysis Consultants, Inc

121 Eastern Heights Drive
Ithaca, New York 14850

Wash's Publications

  1. Wawrzynek, P.A., Carter, B.J., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Advances in Simulation of Arbitrary 3D Crack Growth using FRANC3D/NG," proceedings of ICF12, Ottawa, July 2009.
  2. Miranda, A.C.M., Martha, L.F., Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A.R. "Surface Mesh Regeneration Considering Curvatures." Engineering with Computers, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009
  3. Emery J, Hochhalter J, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea A R. "DDSim: A hierarchical, probabilistic, multiscale damage and durability simulation methodology - Part I: methodology and Level I." Eng. Fract. Mech., 76, 10, 1500-1530, July 2009
  4. Liu M, Bozek J, Hochhalter J, Veilleux M, Wawrzynek P, Heber G, Ingraffea A R, Sintay S, Rollett A, Littlewood D, Maniatty A, Payne J. "A Geometric Approach to Modeling Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Formation- Part I: Probabilistic Simulation of Constituent Particle Cracking in AA 7075-T651." Modeling and Simulation In Materials Science and Engineering, Accepted for Publication, June, 2008.
  5. Banks-Sills, L., Wawrzynek, P.A., Carter, B.J., Ingraffea, A.R., Hershkovitz, I. (2007)
    Methods for calculating stress intensity factors in anisotropic materials: Part II-Arbitrary geometry.
    Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 74, No 8, pp 1293-1307, 2007.
  6. Banks-Sills, L., Hershkovitz, I., Wawrzynek, P.A., Eliasi, R., and Ingraffea, A.R. "Methods for calculating stress intensity factors in anisotropic materials: Part I-z = 0 is a symmetric plane", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72, 15, 2328-2358, 2005.
  7. Wawrzynek, P.A., Carter, B., and Banks-Sills, L. "The M-integral for computing stress intensity factors in generally anisotropic materials," NASA/CR-2005-214006, 2005.
  8. Cavalcante-Neto, J.B., Martha, L.F., Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A.R, "A back-tracking procedure for optimization of simplex meshes", Communications in Numerical Methods for Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 12, 2005.
  9. Hwang, C.G., Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A. R., "On the Calculation of Derivatives of Stress Intensity Factors for Multiple Cracks " Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72, 8, 1171-1196, 2005.
  10. Ural A, Heber G, Wawrzynek P A, Ingraffea A R, Lewicki D G, Cavalcante-Neto J B. "Three-dimensional, Parallel, Finite Element Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Spiral Bevel Pinion Gear." Engrg. Fract. Mech., 72, 8, 1148-1170, 2005
  11. E. Iesulauro, A.R. Ingraffea, S. Arwade, and Wawrzynek P.A. "Simulation of Grain Boundary Decohesion and Crack Initiation in Aluminum Microstructure Models." Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33rd Volume, ASTM STP 1417, W.G. Reuter and R.S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 715-728, 2002
  12. Riddell, W T, Ingraffea, A R, Wawrzynek, P A. "Propagation of non-planar fatigue cracks: experimental observations and numerical simulations." ASTM STP 1417, W.G. Reuter and R.S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 573-597, 2002
  13. Cavalcante-Neto, J.B., Wawrzynek, P.A., Carvalho, M.T.M., Martha, L.F., and Ingraffea, A.R., "An Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Mesh Generation for Arbitrary Regions with Cracks," Engineering with Computers, 17: 75-91, 2001.
  14. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek P A, Ingraffea A R. "Residual Strength Prediction of Airplane Fuselages Using CTOA Criterion." AIAA Journal, 40, 3, 566-575, 2002
  15. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek P A, Ingraffea A R. "Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages," AIAA Journal, 40, 1644-1652, 2002
  16. Lewicki D, Spievak L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea A R, Handschuh R. "Consideration of Moving Tooth Load in Gear Crack Propagation Predictions." J. Mechanical Design, 123, 118-124, 2001
  17. Neto J B C, Wawrzynek P A, Carvalho M T M, Ingraffea A R. "An algorithm for three-dimensional mesh generation for arbitrary regions with cracks." Engrg. With Computers, 17, 75-91, 2001
  18. Spievak L, Lewicki D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea A R. "Simulating Fatigue Crack Growth in Spiral Bevel Gears." Engrg. Fract. Mech., 68, 1, 53-76, 2001
  19. Hwang C G, Wawrzynek, P A, Ingraffea A R. "On the virtual crack extension method for calculating the derivatives of energy release rates for a 3D planar crack of arbitrary shape under mode-I loading." Engrg. Fract. Mech., 68, 7, 925-947, 2001
  20. Carter, B.J., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R. "Automated 3D Crack Growth Simulation," Gallagher Special Issue of Int. J. Num. Meth. Engng. (2000)
  21. Carter, B.J, Desroches, J., Ingraffea, A.R., and Wawrzynek, P.A., "Simulating Fully 3D Hydraulic Fracturing," in Modeling in Geomechanics Ed. Zaman, Booker, and Gioda, Wiley Publishers. (2000)
  22. Pettit R, Chen, C-S, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea A R. "Process Zone Size Effects on Naturally Curving Cracks." Engrg. Fract. Mech., 68, 10, 1181-1205, 2001
  23. Chen, C.S., Pettit, R.G., Ingraffea, A.R. and Wawrzynek, P.A., "Theories and Simulations of Crack Turning Phenomena in Aircraft Fuselages," 37th Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science, South Carolina, October 2000
  24. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Residual Strength Prediction in KC-135 Fuselages and Curvilinear Crack Growth Analysis in Narrow Body Fuselages," the Third Joint FAA/DoD/NASA Conference on Aging Aircraft, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 1-23, 1999.
  25. Wawrzynek, P.A., Chen, C.S., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Simulation of Plastic Tearing and the Prediction of Residual Strength in Transport Aircraft Fuselages," Symposium of the 5th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Boulder, CO, USA, August 4-6, 1999
  26. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Residual Strength Analysis of Fuselage Structures Subjected to Widespread Fatigue Damage," the Seventh International Fatigue Congress, Fatigue '99, pp. 2557-2562, 1999.
  27. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P. A., and Ingraffea, A. R., "Residual Strength Prediction of Fuselage Structures with Multiple Site Damage," the Second Joint NASA/DoD/FAA Conference on Aging Aircraft, Williamsburg, VA, pp. 635-656, 1998.
  28. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Elastic-Plastic Crack Growth Simulation and Residual Strength Prediction of Thin Plates with Single and Multiple Cracks," Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: Twenty-Ninth Volume, ASTM STP 1332, pp. 97-113, 1998.
  29. Singh, R., Carter, B.J., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R. "Universal Crack Closure Integral for SIF Estimation," Eng. Fract. Mech., 60, 2, 133-146, 1998
  30. Hwang, C., Wawrzynek, P.A., Tayebi, A.K., and Ingraffea, A.R., "On the virtual crack extension method for calculation of the rates of energy release rate", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 59, 4, 521-541, 1998
  31. Wawrzynek, P.A., Gray, L., and Ingraffea A.R., "A New Boundary Element Formuation for the Simulation of Discrete Damage in Composite Joints," Proceedings of the 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, FL, April 1997
  32. Riddell, W.T., Ingraffea, A.R., and Wawrzynek, P.A., "Experimental Observations and Numerical Predictions of Three-Dimensional Fatigue Crack Propagation," Engng Fracture Mechanics 58, 4, 293-310, 1997
  33. Carter, B.J., Chen, C-S., Ingraffea, A.R., and Wawrzynek, P.A., "A topology based system for modeling 3D crack growth in solid and shell structures," Advances in Fracture Reseearch, Vol 4, Ninth International Congress on Fracture, Sydney, Australia, Elsevior Science Publishers, p. 1923-1934. (1997)
  34. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Residual Strength Prediction of Fracture Specimens and Fuselage Structures with Multi-Site Damage," Proceedings of 25th Midwestern Mechanics Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, pp. 2.15-2.17, 1997.
  35. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A. R. (1997), "Methodology for Fatigue Crack Growth and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages," Computational Mechanics, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 527-532. 1997
  36. Chen, C.S., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Simulation of Stable Tearing and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages," Proceedings of the FAA-NASA Symposium on Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures, Atlanta, pp. 605-618, 1997.
  37. Potyondy, D.O., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Discrete Crack Growth Analysis Methodology for Through Cracks in Pressurized Fuselage Structures," Int J Num Meth in Engng, Vol. 38, pg. 1611-1633 (1995)
  38. Potyondy, D.O., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "An Algorithm to Generate Quadrilateral or Triangular Element Surface Meshes in Arbitrary Domains with Applications to Crack Propagation,"Int J Num Meth in Engng, Vol. 38, pg. 2677-2701 (1995)
  39. Wawrzynek, P.A., Carter, B.J., Ingraffea, A.R., and Potyondy, D.O., "A Topological Approach to Modeling Arbitrary Crack Propagation in 3D,", in DIANA Computational Mechanics `94, Kusters, G.M.A. and Hendricks, M.A.N., (eds.), pg 69-84, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
  40. Carter, B.J., Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A.R., and Morales, M., "Hydraulic Fracture from the Interface of a Cased Wellbore," in Rock Mechanics, Nelson & Laubach (eds.), pg 185-192, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994
  41. Carter, B.J., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Effects of Casing and Interface Behavior on Hydraulic Fracture," in Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Siriwarane & Zaman (eds.), pg 1561-1566, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1994
  42. Martha, L.F., Wawrzynek, P.A., and Ingraffea, A.R., "Arbitrary Crack Representation Using Solid Modeling,", Engineering with Computers, Vol. 9, pg 63-82, 1993.
  43. Lam, T.C., Dewey, R.P., McCloskey, T.H., and Wawrzynek, P.A., "Assesment of Remaining Life of a Control State Blade with Solid Particle, Erosian Damage," in the procedings of the ASME International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, (93-GT-241) Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1993.
  44. Wawrzynek, P.A., Discrete Modelling of Crack Propagation: Theoretical Aspects and Implementation Issues in Two and Three Dimensions, Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University, August, 1991.
  45. James, M., Wawrzynek, P.A., Wu, D., Bebre-Giorgis, Y., and Kington, H., "Radial Turbine Saddle Crack Growth Prediction," presented at the Sixth Thermomechanical Fatigue Workshop, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, June 5-6, 1991.
  46. Lutz, E., Wawrzynek, P., and Ingraffea, A., "Using Parameterized Guassian Quadrature in the 2D BEM for Elasticity," Computation Engineering with Boundary Elements, Vol. 2: Solid and Computational Problems, Cheng, Brebbia, and Grille, Editors, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1990.
  47. Bittencourt, T. N. Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A. R., "Simplified Micro-Modelling of Failure in Unidirectional Composites", to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, Freiburg, West Germany, April, 1990.
  48. Panthaki, M.J., Abel, J.F., and Wawrzynek, P.A., "Graphical Postprocessing for 3-D Mesh Quality Evaluation," Eng. Comput., Vol. 6, pp. 25-34, March 1989.
  49. Lamkin, S. J., Wawrzynek, P. A. and Ingraffea, A.R., "Two - Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Interacting Fractures in Rock," Fracture of Concrete and Rock: Recent Developments. S. P., Shah, S.E. Swartz, B. Barr, editors, Elsevier Science Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1989, pp. 121 - 131.
  50. Sousa, J. L., Martha, L. F., Wawrzynek, P. A. and Ingraffea, A. R., "Simulation of Non - Planar Crack Propagation in Three - Dimensional Structures in Concrete and Rock," Fracture of Concrete and Rock: Recent Developments S. P., Shah, S.E. Swartz, B. Barr, editors, Elsevier Science Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1989, pp. 254 - 264.
  51. Wawrzynek, P. A. and Ingraffea, A. R., "An Interactive Approach to Local Remeshing Around a Propagating Crack," Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 5, 1989, pp. 87 - 96.
  52. Wawrzynek, P., Martha, L., Ingraffga, A. R., "FRANSYS: A Software System for the Simulation of Crack Propagation in Three - Dimensions," Proceedings of Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics. IUTAM/IJACM, H. Mang and G. Kuhn, Editors, Vienna, June, 1989, pp. 273-282.
  53. Linsbaugr, H. N., Ingraffea, A. R., Rossmanith, H. P., Wawrzynek, P. A., "Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam: Part I," Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 115, No. 7, July 1989, pp. 1599 - 1615.
  54. Linsbauer, H. N., Ingraffea, A. R., Rossmanith, H. P., Wawrzynek, P. A., "Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam: Part II," Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 115, No. 7, July, 1989, pp. 1616 - 1630.
  55. Wawrzynek, P., Martha. L., and Ingraffea, A., "A Computational Environment for the Simulation of Fracture Processes in Three Dimensions," Proceedings of the Symposium on Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Aspects of Three-Dimensional Fracture Processes, (A. Rosakis, Editor), Berkeley, CA, June, 1988, pp. 321-327.
  56. Wawrzynek, P. and Ingraffea, A., "An Edge-Based Data Structure for Two Dimensional Finite Element Analysis," Engineering with Computers, 3, 1987, pp. 13-20.
  57. Wawrzynek, P. and Ingraffea, A., "Interactive Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Processes: An Integrated Approach," Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 8, 1987, 137-150.
  58. Wawrzynek, P., Boone, T., and Ingraffea, A. R., "Efficient Techniques for Modeling the Fracture grocess Zone in Rock and Concrete, "Proc. of the Fourth lnternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, March 23-27, 1987, SanAntonio, Texas, A. R. Luxmoore, D. R. J. Owen, Y. S. Rajapakse, and M. F. Kanninen, editors, pp. 473 - 482.
  59. Wawrzynek, P. and Ingraffea, A., "Local Remeshing Around a Propagating Crack Tip Using Interactive Computer Graphics," Finite Element Methods, Modeling, and New Applications, edited by E.M. Patton et. al., ASME CED-Vol. 1., PVP-Vol. 101, 1986, 33-38.
  60. Boone, T., Wawrzynek, P. and Ingraffea, A., "Finite Element Modeling of Fracture Propagation in Orthotropic Materials", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 26, 2, 1987, 185-201.
  61. Boone, T. J., Wawrzynek, P., Ingraffea, A. R., "Simulation of the Fracture Process in Rock with Application to Hydro-fracturing," Int. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. Vol. 23, No. 3, June, 1986, pp. 255 - 265.
  62. Ingraffea, A. R., Gerstle, W. H., Mettam, K. I., Wawrzynek, P.,Hellier, A. K., "Cracking of Welded Crane Runway Girders: Physical Testing and Computer Simulation," Iron and Steel Engineer, Vol. 62, No. 12, December, 1985, pp. 46 - 52.
  63. Ingraffea, A. R., Wawrgynek, P. A., "Modeling of the Fracture Process Zone in Rock," C. H. Dowding, editor, ASCE publisher, 1985, pp. 151 - 157.