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Fracture Analysis Consultants, Inc

121 Eastern Heights Drive
Ithaca, New York 14850

Tony's Selected Papers

  1. Ingraffea AR. Nodal Grafting for Crack Propagation Studies. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 11, 7, 1977, 1185 - 1187.
  2. Lynn PP, Ingraffea AR. Transition Element to be Used With Quarter - Point Crack Tip Elements. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 12, 6, 1978, 1031 - 1036.
  3. Ingraffea AR, Heuze FE. Finite Element Models for Rock Fracture Mechanics. Int. J. Num. Analyt. Meth. Geomech., 4, 1980, 25 - 43.
  4. Ingraffea AR, Manu C. Stress - Intensity Factor Computation in Three Dimensions With Quarter - Point Elements. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 15, 10, 1980, 1427 - 1445.
  5. Blandford G, Ingraffea AR, Liggett JA. Two-Dimensional Stress Intensity Factor Calculations Using the Boundary Element Method. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 17, 1981, 387 - 404.
  6. Beech J, Ingraffea, AR. Three - Dimensional Finite Element Stress Intensity Factor Calibration of the Short Rod Specimen. Int. J. Fracture, 18, 3, 1982, 217 - 229.
  7. Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR, Abel JF. Interactive Computer Graphic Preprocessing for Three - Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 18, 6, 1982, 909 - 926.
  8. Saouma V, Ingraffea AR, Catalano D. Fracture Toughness of Concrete: KIc Revisited. J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 108, No. EM6, 1982, 1152 - 1166.
  9. Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR. Interactive Computer Graphics Preprocessing for Three - Dimensional Boundary Integral Element Analysis. J. Computers Structures, 16, 1 - 4, 1983, 153 - 166.
  10. Ingraffea AR, Blandford G, Liggett JA. Automatic Modelling of Mixed - Mode Fatigue and Quasi - Static Crack Propagation Using the Boundary Element Method. ASTM STP 791: Proc. of the 14th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, June, 1983, I - 407 - I - 426.
  11. Ingraffea AR, Gunsallus KL, Beech JF, Nelson PP. A Short - Rod Based System for Fracture Toughness Testing of Rock. ASTM STP 855: Chevron - Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis, 1984, 152 - 166.
  12. Ingraffea AR, Perucchio R, Han T - Y, Gerstle WH, Huang YP. Three - Dimensional Finite and Boundary Element Calibration of the Short - Rod Specimen. ASTM STP 855: Chevron-Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis, 1984, 49 - 68.
  13. Manu C, Ingraffea AR. Numerical Evaluation of the Growth Rate Material Parameters in Fatigue Propagation of Surface Flaws. Nucl. Eng. Design, 77, 2, March, 1984, 131 - 138.
  14. Ingraffea AR, Gerstle W, Gergely P, Saouma V. Fracture Mechanics of Bond in Reinforced Concrete. J. Structural Division, ASCE, 110, 4, 1984, 871 - 890.
  15. Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR. An Integrated Boundary Element Analysis System with Interactive Computer Graphics for Three Dimensional Linear - Elastic Fracture Mechanics. J. Comp. Structures, 20, 1985, 157 - 171.
  16. Ingraffea AR, Gerstle WH, Mettam K, Wawrzynek P, Hellier AK. Cracking of Welded Crane Runway Girders: Physical Testing and Computer Simulation. Iron and Steel Engineer, 62, 12, 1985, 46 - 52.
  17. Boone TJ, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Simulation of the Fracture Process in Rock with Application to Hydro-fracturing. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sciences, 23, 3, 1986, 255 - 265.
  18. Boone TJ, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea, AR. Finite Element Modeling of Fracture Propagation in Orthotropic Materials. Eng. Fract. Mech., 26, 2, 1987, 185 - 201.
  19. Gerstle WH, Martha L, Ingraffea AR. Finite and Boundary Element Modeling of Crack Propagation in Two - and Three – Dimensions. Eng. with Computers. 2, 1987, 167 - 183.
  20. Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Interactive Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Processes: An Integrated Approach. Theor. Appld. Fract. Mech. 8, 1987, 137 - 150.
  21. Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. An Edge - Based Data Structure for Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Eng. with Computers, 3, 1987, 13 - 20.
  22. Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. Using Combined Experiments and Analysis to Generate Dynamic Critical Stress Intensity Data. ASTM STP 969: Fracture Mechan¬ics: 19th Symposium, T. A. Cruse, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila., 1988, 405 - 426.
  23. Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR, Perucchio R. Three-Dimensional Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis Using the Boundary Element Method. Int.J. Fatigue, 10, 3, 1988, 187 - 192.
  24. Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. Modelling Mixed-Mode Dynamic Crack Propagation Using Finite Elements: Theory and Applications. Computational Mech., 3, 1988, 187-192.
  25. Ingraffea AR. Case Studies of Simulation of Fracture in Concrete Dams. Eng. Fracture Mech., 35, 1/2/3, 1990, 553-564.
  26. Vossoughi H, Soudki K, White RN, Ingraffea AR, Sansalone M. Fatigue of Thick Steel Plates Bent to a Low R/t Ratio. J. Pressure Vessel Tech., 111, August 1989, 259 - 265.
  27. Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR. A Numerical Procedure for Simulation of Hydraulically - Driven Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Media. Int. J. Num. Analyt. Meth. Geomech., 14, 1990, 27-47.
  28. Grigoriu M, Saif M, El Borgi S, Ingraffea AR. Mixed - Mode Fracture Initiation and Trajectory Prediction Under Random Stresses. Int. J. Fracture, 45, 1990, 19-34.
  29. Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR, Roegiers J - C. Visualization of Hydraulically - Driven Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Media Using a Super – Workstation. J. Petroleum Tech, June 1989, 574 - 580.
  30. Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. An Interactive Approach to Local Remeshing Around a Propagating Crack. Finite Elem. in Analys. and Design, 5, 1989, 87 - 96.
  31. Ingraffea AR, Barry A. Analytical Study of Transmission, Distribution Lines under Railroads. Pipe Line Industry, October 1989, 34 - 39.
  32. Gray LJ, Martha LF, Ingraffea AR. Hypersingular Integrals in Boundary Element Fracture Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 29, 1990, 1135-1158.
  33. Heuze F, Shaffer RJ, Ingraffea AR, Nilson RH. Propagation of Fluid-driven fractures in Jointed Rock. Part 1 - Development and Validation of Methods of Analysis. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 27, 4, 243 - 254, 1990.
  34. Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. The Collapse of the Schoharie Creek Bridge: A Case Study in Concrete Fracture Mechanics. Int. J. Fracture, 51, 73-92, 1991.
  35. Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR. Compliance and Stress-Intensity Factor Calibration of the CENRBB Specimen. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 28, 1, 85-92, 1991.
  36. Bittencourt TN, Barry A, Ingraffea AR. Comparison of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors Obtained Through Displacement Correlation, J-Integral Formulation, and Modified Crack-Closure Integral. ASTM STP 1131: Fracture Mechanics: Twenty Second Symposium (Vol. II), Philadelphia, 69-82, 1992.
  37. Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR, Roegiers JC. Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Rock with Application to Stress Measurement Techniques. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 28, 1, 1-14, 1991.
  38. Mukherjee Y X, Xie Z, Ingraffea AR. Delamination Buckling of Laminated Plates. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 32, 1321-1337, 1991.
  39. Martha LF, Llorca J, Ingraffea AR, Elices M. Numerical Simulation of Crack Initiation and Propagation in an Arch Dam. Dam Engineering, 2, 3, 193-214, 1991.
  40. Martha LF, Gray, L J, Ingraffea AR. Three-Dimensional Fracture Simulation with a Single-Domain, Direct Boundary Element Formulation. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 35, 1992.
  41. Lutz E, Ingraffea AR, Gray L. Use of ‘Simple Solutions’ for Boundary Integral Methods in Elasticity and Fracture Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 35, 1737-1751, 1992.
  42. Martha L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Arbitrary Crack Propagation Using Solid Modeling. Engrg. with Computers, 9, 2, 63-82, 1993.
  43. Sousa J, Carter B, Ingraffea AR. Numerical Simulation of 3D Hydraulic Fracture Using Newtonian and Power-Law Fluids. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 30, 7, 1265-1271, 1993.
  44. Elbert K, Wright T, Rimnac C, Klein R, Ingraffea AR, Gunsallus K, Bartel D. Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethelene under Mixed Mode Conditions", J. Biomedical Materials Research, 28, 181-187, 1994.
  45. Gray L, Potyondy D, Lutz E, Wawrzynek P, Martha L, Ingraffea AR. Crack Propagation Modeling. Math. Models Meth. Applied Sci., 4, 2, 179-202, 1994.
  46. Potyondy D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Discrete Crack Growth Analysis Methodology for Through Cracks in Pressurized Fuselage Structures. Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 38, 1611-1633, 1995.
  47. Potyondy D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. An Algorithm to Generate Quadrilateral or Triangular Element Surface Meshes in Arbitrary Domains with Applications to Crack Propagation. Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 38, 2677-2701, 1995.
  48. Bittencourt T, Wawrzynek P, Sousa J, Ingraffea, AR. Quasi-Automatic Simulation of Crack Propagation for 2D LEFM Problems. Eng. Fract. Mech., 55, 2, 321-334, 1996.
  49. Bittencourt T, Ingraffea AR. Three-Dimensional Cohesive Crack Analysis of Short-Rod Specimens. ASTM-STP 1220: Fracture Mechanics: 25th Volume, 46-60, 1995.
  50. Bittencourt T, Ingraffea AR. Um Metodo Numericao para o Modelmento de Fraturamento Coesivo em 3D (In Portugese). Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingeneria, 11, 4, 1-10, 1995.
  51. Zehnder A, Ingraffea AR. Reinforcing Effects of Coverlayers on the Fatigue Life of Copper-Kapton Flex Cables. IEEE Trans. Comp. Pack. Manuf. Tech., 18:704-710, 1995.
  52. Shah KR, Carter BJ, Ingraffea AR. Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation in Parallel Computing Environment. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., 34, 3-4, Paper 282, 1997.
  53. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Methodology for Fatigue Crack Growth and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages. Computational Mechanics, 19:527-532, 1997.
  54. Riddell WT, Ingraffea AR, Warwrzynek PA. Experimental Observations and Numerical Predictions of Three-Dimensional Fatigue Crack Propagation. Eng. Fract. Mech., 58: 293-310, 1997.
  55. Singh R, Carter B, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Universal Crack Closure Integral for SIF Estimation. Eng. Fract. Mech., 60:133-146, 1998.
  56. Hwang CG, Wawrzynek P, Tayebi AK, Ingraffea AR. On the Virtual Crack Extension Method for Calculation of the Rates of Energy Release Rate. Eng. Fract. Mech., 59:521-542, 1998.
  57. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. Elastic-Plastic Crack Growth Simulation and Residual Strength Prediction of Thin Plates with Single and Multiple Cracks. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 29th Volume, ASTM STP 1332, 97-113, 1998.
  58. Carter BJ, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. Automated 3D Crack Growth Simulation. Gallagher Special Issue of Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 47:229-253, 2000.
  59. Chi W-M, Deierlein G, Ingraffea AR. Finite Element Fracture Analysis of Welded Beam-Column Connections. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume, ASTM STP 1360, 439-455, 2000.
  60. Castell M, Ingraffea AR, Irwin L. Fatigue Crack Growth in Pavements. 126:283-290, ASCE J. Transportation Eng., 2000.
  61. TerMaath SC, Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek PA. A Computational Fracture Mechanics Approach for the Analysis of Facesheet-from-Core Disbond of Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume, STP 1360, P.C. Paris and K.L. Jerina, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 169-182, 1999.
  62. Chen C-S, Krause R, Pettit RG, Banks-Sills L, Ingraffea A R. Numerical Assessment of T-stress Computation Using a P-version Finite Element Method. Int. J. Fract., 107:177-199, 2001.
  63. Chi W-M, Deierlein GG, Ingraffea AR. Fracture Toughness Demands in Welded Beam-Column Moment Connections. J. Structural Division, ASCE, 126:88-97, 2000.
  64. Spievak L, Lewicki D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Simulating Fatigue Crack Growth in Spiral Bevel Gears. Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:53-76, 2001.
  65. Pettit R, Chen, C-S, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Process Zone Size Effects on Naturally Curving Cracks. Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:1181-1205, 2001.
  66. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Residual Strength Prediction of Airplane Fuselages Using CTOA Criterion. AIAA Journal, 40:566-575, 2002.
  67. Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages," AIAA Journal, 40:1644-1652, 2002.
  68. Hwang CG, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. On the virtual crack extension method for calculating the derivatives of energy release rates for a 3D planar crack of arbitrary shape under mode-I loading. Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:925-947, 2001.
  69. Lewicki D, Spievak L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR, Handschuh R. Consideration of Moving Tooth Load in Gear Crack Propagation Predictions. J. Mechanical Design, 123:118-124, 2001.
  70. Cavalcante-Neto JBC, Wawrzynek PA, Carvalho MTM, Ingraffea AR. An algorithm for three-dimensional mesh generation for arbitrary regions with cracks. Eng. With Computers, 17:75-91, 2001.
  71. Han T-S, Ural A, Chen C-S, Zehnder AT, Ingraffea AR, Billington SL. Delamination buckling and propagation analysis of honeycomb panels using a cohesive element approach. Int. J. Fract., 115:101-123, 2002.
  72. Iesulauro E, Ingraffea AR, Arwade S, Wawrzynek PA. Simulation of Grain Boundary Decohesion and Crack Initiation in Aluminum Microstructure Models. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33rd Volume, In ASTM STP 1417, W.G. Reuter and R.S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 715-728, 2002.
  73. Ural A, Zehnder A, Ingraffea AR. Fracture mechanics approach to facesheet delamination in honeycomb: measurement of energy release rate of the adhesive bond. Eng. Fract. Mech., 70:93-103, 2002.
  74. Riddell WT, Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek PA. Propagation of non-planar fatigue cracks: experimental observations and numerical simulations. In 33rd National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics; Moran, WY; USA; 25-29 June 2001. pp. 573-597. 2002
  75. Hwang CG, Ingraffea AR. Shape prediction and stability analysis of Mode-I planar cracks. Eng. Fract. Mech., 71:1751-1777, 2004.
  76. Hanson JH, Bittencourt TN, Ingraffea AR. Three-dimensional influence coefficient method for cohesive crack simulations. Eng. Fract. Mech., 71:2109-2124, 2004.
  77. Ural A, Heber G, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, Lewicki DG, Cavalcante-Neto JB. Three-dimensional, Parallel, Finite Element Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Spiral Bevel Pinion Gear. Eng. Fract. Mech., 72:1148-1170, 2005.
  78. Hwang CG, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. On the calculation of derivatives of stress intensity factors for multiple cracks, Eng. Fract. Mech., 72, 1171-1196, 2005.
  79. Banks-Sills L, Hershkovitz I, Wawrzynek PA, Eliasi R, Ingraffea AR. Methods for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors in Anisotropic Materials: Part I - z = 0 is a Symmetric Plane, Eng. Fract. Mech., 72:2328-2358, 2005.
  80. Cavalcante-Neto JB.; Martha LF, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. A Back-tracking procedure for Optimization of simplex meshes, Comm. Numer. Methods Eng., 21:711-722, 2005.
  81. Banks-Sills L, Hershkovitz I, Wawrzynek PA, Eliasi R, Ingraffea AR. Methods for calculating stress intensity factors in anisotropic materials: Part II—Arbitrary geometry, Eng. Fract. Mech., 74:1293-1307, 2007.
  82. Hwang CG, Ingraffea AR. Virtual crack extension method for calculating the second order derivatives of energy release rates for multiply cracked systems. Eng. Fract. Mech., 74:1468-1487, 2007.
  83. Miranda A, Martha L, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Surface mesh regeneration considering curvatures, Eng Comp, 25:207-219, 2, 2009.
  84. Coffman V, Sethna J, Heber G, Liu A, Ingraffea AR, Bailey N, Barker E. A Comparison of Finite Element and Atomistic Modeling of Fracture. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 16, 6, 2008, Article 065008.
  85. Emery J, Hochhalter J, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. DDSim: A hierarchical, probabilistic, multiscale damage and durability simulation methodology – Part I: methodology and Level I. Eng. Fract. Mech., 76:1500-1530, 2009.
  86. Bozek JE, Hochhalter JD, Veilleux MG, Liu M, Heber G, Sintay SD, Rollett AD, Littlewood DJ, Maniatty AM, Weiland H, Christ Jr. RJ, Payne J, Welsh G, Harlow DG, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. A Geometric Approach to Modeling Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Formation- Part I: Probabilistic Simulation of Constituent Particle Cracking in AA 7075-T651. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng, 16, 6, 1 September 2008, Article 065007.
  87. Hochhalter J, Littlewood D, Veilleux M, Bozek J, Ingraffea AR, Maniatty A. A geometric approach to modeling microstructurally small fatigue crack formation: II. Simulation and prediction of crack nucleation in AA 7075-T651. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 18, 2010, Article 045004
  88. Coffman V, Sethna J, Ingraffea AR, Bailey N, Iesulauro E, Bozek J. Challenges in Continuum Modeling of Intergranular Fracture. Strain, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-1305.2010.00741.x., 2010.
  89. Hochhalter JD, Littlewood DJ, Veilleux MG, Bozek JE, Maniatty AM, Rollett AD, Ingraffea AR. A Geometric Approach to Modeling Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Formation: III. Development of a semi-empirical model for nucleation. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 19 035008 doi: 10.1088/0965-0393/19/3/035008, 2011.
  90. Spear A, Priest A, Hochhalter J, Veilleux M, Ingraffea AR. Surrogate Modeling of High-fidelity Fracture Simulations for Real-time Residual Strength Predictions. AIAA Journal, 49, 12, 2770-2782, doi: 10.2514/1.55295, 2011.
  91. Howarth RW, Santoro R, Ingraffea AR. 2011. Methane and the greenhouse gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations. Climatic Change Letters, doi: 10.1007/s10584-011-0061-5, 2011.
  92. Tuegel E, Ingraffea A, Eason T, Spottswood S. Re-engineering Aircraft Structural Life Prediction Using a Digital Twin. Int J Aerospace Engrg., doi:10.1155/2011/154798, 2011.
  93. Spear A, Ingraffea A, Microstructurally small fatigue crack growth in thin, aluminum-alloy, pressure vessel liner, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10, 686-691, ISSN 1877-7058, 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.114, 2011.
  94. Spear A, Ingraffea AR, Effect of chemical milling on low-cycle fatigue behavior of an Al–Mg–Si alloy, Corrosion Science,
  95. Carter BJ, Schenck EC, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, Barlow KW. Three-dimensional Simulation of Fretting Crack Nucleation and Growth. Engrg. Fract. Mech., doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2012.08.015.
  96. Brune P, Ingraffea AR, Jackson MD, Perucchio R. The fracture toughness of an Imperial Roman mortar. Engrg. Fract. Mech., 102 (2013) 65–76.
  97. Brock GR, Kim G, Ingraffea AR, Andrews JC, Pianetta P, van der Meulen M. Method for Nanoscale Examination of Microdamage in Bone Using Synchrotron Radiation Transmission X-Ray Microscopy. PLoS ONE 8(3): e57942. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057942.
  98. Salvadori A, P. A.Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Energy dissipation in the mixed mode growth of cracks at the interface between brittle materials. Int. J. Fracture (2013), DOI 10.1007/s10704-013-9845.
  99. Cerrone A, Wawrzynek P, Nonn A, Paulino G, Ingraffea AR. Implementation and verification of the PPR cohesive zone model in 3D. Engrg. Fract. Mech., 120, April, 2014.
  100. Davis BR, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. 3-D Simulation of Arbitrary Crack Growth Using an Energy-Based Formulation – Part I: Planar Growth. Engrg. Fract. Mech., 115, January, 2014.
  101. Spear A, Lind J, Suter R, Ingraffea AR. 3-D characterization of microstructurally small fatigue-crack evolution using quantitative fractography combined with post-mortem X-ray tomography and high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy. Acta Materialia, 76, September, 2014.
  102. Davis BR, Wawrzynek PA, Hwang CG, Ingraffea AR. Decomposition of 3-D Mixed-Mode Energy Release Rates Using the Virtual Crack Extension Method. Engrg. Fract. Mech., 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2014.08.014, 2014.
  103. Jacobson M, Delucchi M, Ingraffea AR, Howarth R, et al. A Roadmap for Repowering California for all Purposes with Wind, Water, and Sunlight. Energy., July, 2014.
  104. Ingraffea, A, Wells M, Santoro R, Shonkoff, S. Assessment and risk analysis of casing and cement impairment in oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania, 2000–2012. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1323422111, June 2014.
  105. Stein C, Cerrone A, Ozturk T, Lee S, Kenesei P, Tucker H, Pokharel R, Hefferan C, Lind J, Ingraffea AR, Rollett AD, Suter R. Fatigue crack initiation, slip localization and twin boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, 18, 4, 244-252, 2014.
  106. Cerrone A, Hochhalter J, Heber G, Ingraffea AR. On the Effects of Modeling As-Manufactured Geometry: Toward Digital Twin. Int J Aerospace Engrg., 08/2014; 2014(439278):1-10. DOI: 10.1155/2014/439278
  107. Tucker J, Cerrone A, Ingraffea AR, Rollett A. Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis for René88DT Statistical Volume Element Generation. 2015 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 23 035003 doi:10.1088/0965-0393/23/3/035003
  108. Cerrone A, Stein C, Pokharel R, Hefferan C, Lind, Tucker H, Suter R, Rollett A, Ingraffea A. Implementation and Verification of a Microstructure-Based Capability for Modeling Microcrack Nucleation in LSHR at Room Temperature. 2015 Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 23 035006 doi:10.1088/0965-0393/23/3/035006
  109. Freitas M, Wawrzynek P, Cavalcante-Neto J, Vidal C, Carter B, Martha L, Ingraffea A. Parallel generation of meshes with cracks using binary spatial decomposition. Engr. with Computers, 2016,
  110. Spear A, Hochhalter J, Cerrone A, Li S-F, Lind J, Suter R, Ingraffea A. A Method to Generate Conformal Finite-Element Meshes from 3-D Measurements of Microstructurally Small Fatigue-Crack Propagation. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/ffe.12449.
  111. Garcia I, Carter BJ, Ingraffea AR, Mantič V. A numerical study of transverse cracking in cross-ply laminates by 3D finite fracture mechanics. Composites Part B, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.03.023.
  112. Corbani S, Martha LF, de Castro JT, Carter B, Ingraffea AR. Fatigue crack growth under bending-induced partial closure. Engrg. Fract. Mech., 2017,
  113. Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek PA, Santoro R, Wells M. Reported Methane Emissions from Active Oil and Gas Wells in Pennsylvania, 2014-2018. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020,