franc3d gui

Fracture Analysis Consultants, Inc

121 Eastern Heights Drive
Ithaca, New York 14850

Requests for a trial version of FRANC3D should be sent to Process Optimization or the appropriate vendor for your country.

FRANC3D Development

FRANC3D development started in the late 1980's at Cornell University. The FRANC3D/Classic (boundary element based) software is still available from the Cornell Fracture Group, but it has not been updated since 2007, it is restricted to 32bit, and it requires XWindows graphics.

An all new version of FRANC3D was started in 2005 by FAC, and commercial licensed copies have been shipping since 2010. The complete development history is shown here:


FRANC3D Updates

Jan 29 2025

FRANC3D 8.6.2 executable packages are available. Version 8.6 has changes in the .fdb file, so older versions will not read 8.6 files.

Changes for Version 8 are listed here.

Checksum files are available in the cs subfolder:
downloads/Executable/Version 8.6/cs/

The Linux command to verify a downloaded file is:
sha512sum -c 'file_name'_CSUM.txt