Tony's Papers
Jacobson, Mark Z., Anthony R. Ingraffea, Mark A. Delucchi, Robert W. Howarth, et al. 2014.
"A Roadmap for Repowering California for all Purposes with Wind, Water, and Sunlight.."
Energy 73: 875-889.
Ingraffea, Anthony R., Wells M. A, R. Santoro, S. Shonkoff. 2014.
"Assessment and risk analysis of casing and cement impairment in oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania, 2000-2012."
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Cerrone, A., J. Hochhalter, G. Heber, Anthony R Ingraffea. 2014.
"On the Effects of Modeling As-Manufactured Geometry: Toward Digital Twin."
Journal of Aerospace (439278): 1-10.
Tucker, J., A. Cerrone, Anthony R. Ingraffea, A. Rollett. 2015.
"Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Analysis for Rene 88DT Statistical Volume Element Generation."
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 23 (035003).
Chamberlain, S., J. Sparks, Anthony R Ingraffea. 2016.
"Sourcing methane and carbon dioxide emissions from a small city: influence of natural gas leakage and combustion."
Environmental Pollution.
Ingraffea AR. Nodal Grafting for Crack Propagation Studies. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 11, 7, 1977, 1185 - 1187.
Lynn PP, Ingraffea AR. Transition Element to be Used With Quarter - Point Crack Tip Elements. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 12, 6, 1978, 1031 - 1036.
Ingraffea AR, Heuze FE. Finite Element Models for Rock Fracture Mechanics. Int. J. Num. Analyt. Meth. Geomech., 4, 1980, 25 - 43.
Ingraffea AR, Manu C. Stress - Intensity Factor Computation in Three Dimensions With Quarter - Point Elements. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 15, 10, 1980, 1427 - 1445.
Blandford G, Ingraffea AR, Liggett JA. Two-Dimensional Stress Intensity Factor Calculations Using the Boundary Element Method. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 17, 1981, 387 - 404.
Beech J, Ingraffea, AR. Three - Dimensional Finite Element Stress Intensity Factor Calibration of the Short Rod Specimen. Int. J. Fracture, 18, 3, 1982, 217 - 229.
Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR, Abel JF. Interactive Computer Graphic Preprocessing for Three - Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 18, 6, 1982, 909 - 926.
Saouma V, Ingraffea AR, Catalano D. Fracture Toughness of Concrete: KIc Revisited. J. Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, 108, No. EM6, 1982, 1152 - 1166.
Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR. Interactive Computer Graphics Preprocessing for Three - Dimensional Boundary Integral Element Analysis. J. Computers Structures, 16, 1 - 4, 1983, 153 - 166.
Ingraffea AR, Blandford G, Liggett JA. Automatic Modelling of Mixed - Mode Fatigue and Quasi - Static Crack Propagation Using the Boundary Element Method. ASTM STP 791:
Proc. of the 14th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, June, 1983, I - 407 - I - 426.
Ingraffea AR, Gunsallus KL, Beech JF, Nelson PP. A Short - Rod Based System for Fracture Toughness Testing of Rock. ASTM STP 855: Chevron - Notched Specimens:
Testing and Stress Analysis, 1984, 152 - 166.
Ingraffea AR, Perucchio R, Han T - Y, Gerstle WH, Huang YP. Three - Dimensional Finite and Boundary Element Calibration of the Short - Rod Specimen.
ASTM STP 855: Chevron-Notched Specimens: Testing and Stress Analysis, 1984, 49 - 68.
Manu C, Ingraffea AR. Numerical Evaluation of the Growth Rate Material Parameters in Fatigue Propagation of Surface Flaws. Nucl. Eng. Design, 77, 2, March, 1984, 131 - 138.
Ingraffea AR, Gerstle W, Gergely P, Saouma V. Fracture Mechanics of Bond in Reinforced Concrete. J. Structural Division, ASCE, 110, 4, 1984, 871 - 890.
Perucchio R, Ingraffea AR. An Integrated Boundary Element Analysis System with Interactive Computer Graphics for Three Dimensional Linear - Elastic Fracture Mechanics.
J. Comp. Structures, 20, 1985, 157 - 171.
Nelson PP, Ingraffea AR, O'Rourke TD. TBM Performance Prediction with Rock Fracture Parameters. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sciences, 22, 3, June, 1985, 189 - 192.
Elices M, Llorca J, Ingraffea AR. Fractura del Hormigon en Regimen Elastico y Lineal. Un Ejemplo: La Presa de Fontana (in Spanish), Informes de la Construccion. 37, 372, July, 1985, 19 - 33.
Ingraffea AR, Gerstle WH, Mettam K, Wawrzynek P, Hellier AK. Cracking of Welded Crane Runway Girders: Physical Testing and Computer Simulation. Iron and Steel Engineer, 62, 12, 1985, 46 - 52.
Boone TJ, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Simulation of the Fracture Process in Rock with Application to Hydro-fracturing. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sciences, 23, 3, 1986, 255 - 265.
Abel JF, Ingraffea AR, McGuire W, Greenberg DP. Interactive Color Graphical Postprocessing as a Unifying Influence in Numerical Analysis Research.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2, 1986, 1 - 17.
Boone TJ, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea, AR. Finite Element Modeling of Fracture Propagation in Orthotropic Materials. Eng. Fract. Mech., 26, 2, 1987, 185 - 201.
Gerstle WH, Martha L, Ingraffea AR. Finite and Boundary Element Modeling of Crack Propagation in Two - and Three – Dimensions. Eng. with Computers. 2, 1987, 167 - 183.
Hellier AK, Sansalone M, Ingraffea AR, Carino NJ, Stone, C. Finite Element Analysis of the Pullout Test Using a Nonlinear Discrete Cracking Approach.
Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, 9, 1, Summer 1987, 20 - 29.
Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Interactive Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Processes: An Integrated Approach. Theor. Appld. Fract. Mech. 8, 1987, 137 - 150.
Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. An Edge - Based Data Structure for Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Eng. with Computers, 3, 1987, 13 - 20.
Llorca J, Elices M, Ingraffea AR. Analisis Lineal Y No Lineal De Propagacion De Fisuras En Hormigon," (In Spanish),
Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingenieria, 3, 3, 1987, 309 - 333.
Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. Using Combined Experiments and Analysis to Generate Dynamic Critical Stress Intensity Data.
ASTM STP 969: Fracture Mechan¬ics: 19th Symposium, T. A. Cruse, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila., 1988, 405 - 426.
Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR, Perucchio R. Three-Dimensional Fatigue Crack Propagation Analysis Using the Boundary Element Method. Int.J. Fatigue, 10, 3, 1988, 187 - 192.
Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. Modelling Mixed-Mode Dynamic Crack Propagation Using Finite Elements: Theory and Applications. Computational Mech., 3, 1988, 187-192.
Linsbauer HN, Ingraffea AR, Rossmanith H P, Wawrzynek PA. Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam: Part I. J. Structural Eng., 115, 7, July 1989, 1599 - 1615.
Linsbauer HN, Ingraffea AR, Rossmanith HP, Wawrzynek PA. Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam: Part II. J. Structural Eng., 115, 7, July, 1989, 1616 - 1630.
Ingraffea AR. Case Studies of Simulation of Fracture in Concrete Dams. Eng. Fracture Mech., 35, 1/2/3, 1990, 553-564.
Vossoughi H, Soudki K, White RN, Ingraffea AR, Sansalone M. Fatigue of Thick Steel Plates Bent to a Low R/t Ratio. J. Pressure Vessel Tech., 111, August 1989, 259 - 265.
Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR. A Numerical Procedure for Simulation of Hydraulically - Driven Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Media. Int. J. Num. Analyt. Meth. Geomech., 14, 1990, 27-47.
Grigoriu M, Saif M, El Borgi S, Ingraffea AR. Mixed - Mode Fracture Initiation and Trajectory Prediction Under Random Stresses. Int. J. Fracture, 45, 1990, 19-34.
Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR, Roegiers J - C. Visualization of Hydraulically - Driven Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Media Using a Super – Workstation. J. Petroleum Tech, June 1989, 574 - 580.
Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. An Interactive Approach to Local Remeshing Around a Propagating Crack. Finite Elem. in Analys. and Design, 5, 1989, 87 - 96.
Ingraffea AR, Barry A. Analytical Study of Transmission, Distribution Lines under Railroads. Pipe Line Industry, October 1989, 34 - 39.
Gray LJ, Martha LF, Ingraffea AR. Hypersingular Integrals in Boundary Element Fracture Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 29, 1990, 1135-1158.
Mann KA, Bartel DL, Wright TM, Ingraffea AR. Mechanical Characteristics of the Stem-Cement Interface. J. Ortho. Research, 9, 798-808, 1991.
Heuze F, Shaffer RJ, Ingraffea AR, Nilson RH. Propagation of Fluid-driven fractures in Jointed Rock. Part 1 - Development and Validation of Methods of Analysis.
Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 27, 4, 243 - 254, 1990.
Swenson DV, Ingraffea AR. The Collapse of the Schoharie Creek Bridge: A Case Study in Concrete Fracture Mechanics. Int. J. Fracture, 51, 73-92, 1991.
Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR. Does Bond-Slip Exist? Concrete International, 13, 1, 44-48, 1991.
Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR. Compliance and Stress-Intensity Factor Calibration of the CENRBB Specimen. Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 28, 1, 85-92, 1991.
Bittencourt TN, Barry A, Ingraffea AR. Comparison of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors Obtained Through Displacement Correlation, J-Integral Formulation, and Modified Crack-Closure Integral. ASTM STP 1131: Fracture Mechanics: Twenty Second Symposium (Vol. II), Philadelphia, 69-82, 1992.
Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR, Roegiers JC. Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Rock with Application to Stress Measurement Techniques. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 28, 1, 1-14, 1991.
Mukherjee Y X, Xie Z, Ingraffea AR. Delamination Buckling of Laminated Plates. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 32, 1321-1337, 1991.
Martha LF, Llorca J, Ingraffea AR, Elices M. Numerical Simulation of Crack Initiation and Propagation in an Arch Dam. Dam Engineering, 2, 3, 193-214, 1991.
Martha LF, Gray, L J, Ingraffea AR. Three-Dimensional Fracture Simulation with a Single-Domain, Direct Boundary Element Formulation. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 35, 1992.
Gaisbauer H, Rossmanith H-P, Ingraffea AR. Der Einfluß von Talforn und Schwächezonen im wassersetigen Aufstandsbereich aud das Tragverhaltern einer Gewölbesperre.
(In German) Osterreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift, 137, 9, 427-434, 1992.
Lutz E, Ingraffea AR, Gray L. Use of ‘Simple Solutions’ for Boundary Integral Methods in Elasticity and Fracture Analysis. Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 35, 1737-1751, 1992.
Soudki KA, Sansalone M, Ingraffea AR, Vossoughi H. Numerical Simulation of the Severe Cold Bending of Thick Steel Plates. ASME, J. Pressure Vessel Tech., 114, 1992.
Martha L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Arbitrary Crack Propagation Using Solid Modeling. Engrg. with Computers, 9, 2, 63-82, 1993.
Sousa J, Carter B, Ingraffea AR. Numerical Simulation of 3D Hydraulic Fracture Using Newtonian and Power-Law Fluids. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 30, 7, 1265-1271, 1993.
Elbert K, Wright T, Rimnac C, Klein R, Ingraffea AR, Gunsallus K, Bartel D. Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethelene under Mixed Mode Conditions",
J. Biomedical Materials Research, 28, 181-187, 1994.
Gray L, Potyondy D, Lutz E, Wawrzynek P, Martha L, Ingraffea AR. Crack Propagation Modeling. Math. Models Meth. Applied Sci., 4, 2, 179-202, 1994.
Potyondy D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Discrete Crack Growth Analysis Methodology for Through Cracks in Pressurized Fuselage Structures. Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 38, 1611-1633, 1995.
Potyondy D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. An Algorithm to Generate Quadrilateral or Triangular Element Surface Meshes in Arbitrary Domains with Applications to Crack Propagation.
Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 38, 2677-2701, 1995.
Bittencourt T, Wawrzynek P, Sousa J, Ingraffea, AR. Quasi-Automatic Simulation of Crack Propagation for 2D LEFM Problems. Eng. Fract. Mech., 55, 2, 321-334, 1996.
Bittencourt T, Ingraffea AR. Three-Dimensional Cohesive Crack Analysis of Short-Rod Specimens. ASTM-STP 1220: Fracture Mechanics: 25th Volume, 46-60, 1995.
Bittencourt T, Ingraffea AR. Um Metodo Numericao para o Modelmento de Fraturamento Coesivo em 3D (In Portugese). Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingeneria, 11, 4, 1-10, 1995.
Zehnder A, Ingraffea AR. Reinforcing Effects of Coverlayers on the Fatigue Life of Copper-Kapton Flex Cables. IEEE Trans. Comp. Pack. Manuf. Tech., 18:704-710, 1995.
Shah KR, Carter BJ, Ingraffea AR. Hydraulic Fracturing Simulation in Parallel Computing Environment. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., 34, 3-4, Paper 282, 1997.
Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Methodology for Fatigue Crack Growth and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages. Computational Mechanics, 19:527-532, 1997.
Hanson JH, Ingraffea AR. Standards for Fracture Toughness Testing of Rock and Manufactured Ceramics: What Can We Learn for Concrete? Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, 19:79-87, 1997.
Riddell WT, Ingraffea AR, Warwrzynek PA. Experimental Observations and Numerical Predictions of Three-Dimensional Fatigue Crack Propagation. Eng. Fract. Mech., 58: 293-310, 1997.
Singh R, Carter B, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Universal Crack Closure Integral for SIF Estimation. Eng. Fract. Mech., 60:133-146, 1998.
Hwang CG, Wawrzynek P, Tayebi AK, Ingraffea AR. On the Virtual Crack Extension Method for Calculation of the Rates of Energy Release Rate. Eng. Fract. Mech., 59:521-542, 1998.
Chen C-S, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. Elastic-Plastic Crack Growth Simulation and Residual Strength Prediction of Thin Plates with Single and Multiple Cracks.
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 29th Volume, ASTM STP 1332, 97-113, 1998.
Carter BJ, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. Automated 3D Crack Growth Simulation. Gallagher Special Issue of Int. J. Num. Methods Eng., 47:229-253, 2000.
Chi W-M, Deierlein G, Ingraffea AR. Finite Element Fracture Analysis of Welded Beam-Column Connections. Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume, ASTM STP 1360, 439-455, 2000.
Castell M, Ingraffea AR, Irwin L. Fatigue Crack Growth in Pavements. 126:283-290, ASCE J. Transportation Eng., 2000.
TerMaath SC, Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek PA. A Computational Fracture Mechanics Approach for the Analysis of Facesheet-from-Core Disbond of Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panels.
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 30th Volume, STP 1360, P.C. Paris and K.L. Jerina, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 169-182, 1999.
Chen C-S, Krause R, Pettit RG, Banks-Sills L, Ingraffea A R. Numerical Assessment of T-stress Computation Using a P-version Finite Element Method. Int. J. Fract., 107:177-199, 2001.
Chi W-M, Deierlein GG, Ingraffea AR. Fracture Toughness Demands in Welded Beam-Column Moment Connections. J. Structural Division, ASCE, 126:88-97, 2000.
B. Carter, C. S. Chen, L. P. Chew, Nikos Chrisochoides, G. R. Gao, G. Heber, A. R. Ingraea, R. Krause, C. Myers, D. Nave, K. Pingali, P. Stodghill, S. Vavasis, and P. A. Wawrzynek
Parallel FEM Simulation of Crack Propagation -- Challenges, Status, and Perspectives. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., 1800:443-449, 2000.
Spievak L, Lewicki D, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Simulating Fatigue Crack Growth in Spiral Bevel Gears. Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:53-76, 2001.
Pettit R, Chen, C-S, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. Process Zone Size Effects on Naturally Curving Cracks. Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:1181-1205, 2001.
Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Residual Strength Prediction of Airplane Fuselages Using CTOA Criterion. AIAA Journal, 40:566-575, 2002.
Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Prediction of Residual Strength and Curvilinear Crack Growth in Aircraft Fuselages," AIAA Journal, 40:1644-1652, 2002.
Hwang CG, Wawrzynek, PA, Ingraffea AR. On the virtual crack extension method for calculating the derivatives of energy release rates for a 3D planar crack of arbitrary shape under mode-I loading.
Eng. Fract. Mech., 68:925-947, 2001.
Lewicki D, Spievak L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR, Handschuh R. Consideration of Moving Tooth Load in Gear Crack Propagation Predictions. J. Mechanical Design, 123:118-124, 2001.
Cavalcante-Neto JBC, Wawrzynek PA, Carvalho MTM, Ingraffea AR. An algorithm for three-dimensional mesh generation for arbitrary regions with cracks. Eng. With Computers, 17:75-91, 2001.
Hanson JH, Ingraffea, AR. Compression Loading Applied to Round Double Beam Fracture Specimens. I: Application to Materials with Large Characteristic Lengths.
J. Testing and Evaluation, 30:508-514, 2002.
Hanson JH, Ingraffea AR. Compression Loading Applied to Round Double Beam Fracture Specimens. II: Derivation of Geometry Factor. J. Testing and Evaluation, 30:515-523, 2002.
Hanson JH, Ingraffea AR. Using Numerical Simulations to Determine the Accuracy of the Size-Effect and Two-Parameter Data Reduction Methods for Fracture Toughness Tests of Concrete.
Eng. Fract. Mech., 70: 1015-1027, 2002.
Han T-S, Ural A, Chen C-S, Zehnder AT, Ingraffea AR, Billington SL. Delamination buckling and propagation analysis of honeycomb panels using a cohesive element approach.
Int. J. Fract., 115:101-123, 2002.
Iesulauro E, Ingraffea AR, Arwade S, Wawrzynek PA. Simulation of Grain Boundary Decohesion and Crack Initiation in Aluminum Microstructure Models.
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33rd Volume, In ASTM STP 1417, W.G. Reuter and R.S. Piascik, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 715-728, 2002.
Ural A, Zehnder A, Ingraffea AR. Fracture mechanics approach to facesheet delamination in honeycomb: measurement of energy release rate of the adhesive bond.
Eng. Fract. Mech., 70:93-103, 2002.
Riddell WT, Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek PA. Propagation of non-planar fatigue cracks: experimental observations and numerical simulations.
In 33rd National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics; Moran, WY; USA; 25-29 June 2001. pp. 573-597. 2002
Chew P, Chrisochoides N, Gopalsamy S, Heber G, Ingraffea AR, Luke E, Neto J, Pingali K, Shih A, Soni B, Stodghill P, Thompson D, Vavasis S, Wawrzynek P.
Computational science simulations based on web services. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., 2660:299-308 2003.
Hwang CG, Ingraffea AR. Shape prediction and stability analysis of Mode-I planar cracks. Eng. Fract. Mech., 71:1751-1777, 2004.
Hanson JH, Bittencourt TN, Ingraffea AR. Three-dimensional influence coefficient method for cohesive crack simulations. Eng. Fract. Mech., 71:2109-2124, 2004.
Ural A, Heber G, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, Lewicki DG, Cavalcante-Neto JB. Three-dimensional, Parallel, Finite Element Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth in a Spiral Bevel Pinion Gear.
Eng. Fract. Mech., 72:1148-1170, 2005.
Hwang CG, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. On the calculation of derivatives of stress intensity factors for multiple cracks, Eng. Fract. Mech., 72, 1171-1196, 2005.
Banks-Sills L, Hershkovitz I, Wawrzynek PA, Eliasi R, Ingraffea AR. Methods for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors in Anisotropic Materials: Part I - z = 0 is a Symmetric Plane,
Eng. Fract. Mech., 72:2328-2358, 2005.
Cavalcante-Neto JB.; Martha LF, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. A Back-tracking procedure for Optimization of simplex meshes, Comm. Numer. Methods Eng., 21:711-722, 2005.
Banks-Sills L, Hershkovitz I, Wawrzynek PA, Eliasi R, Ingraffea AR. Methods for calculating stress intensity factors in anisotropic materials: Part II—Arbitrary geometry,
Eng. Fract. Mech., 74:1293-1307, 2007.
Hwang CG, Ingraffea AR. Virtual crack extension method for calculating the second order derivatives of energy release rates for multiply cracked systems. Eng. Fract. Mech., 74:1468-1487, 2007.
Miranda A, Martha L, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Surface mesh regeneration considering curvatures, Eng Comp, 25:207-219, 2, 2009.
Coffman V, Sethna J, Heber G, Liu A, Ingraffea AR, Bailey N, Barker E. A Comparison of Finite Element and Atomistic Modeling of Fracture.
Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 16, 6, 2008, Article 065008.
Emery J, Hochhalter J, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea AR. DDSim: A hierarchical, probabilistic, multiscale damage and durability simulation methodology – Part I: methodology and Level I.
Eng. Fract. Mech., 76:1500-1530, 2009.
Bozek JE, Hochhalter JD, Veilleux MG, Liu M, Heber G, Sintay SD, Rollett AD, Littlewood DJ, Maniatty AM, Weiland H, Christ Jr. RJ, Payne J, Welsh G, Harlow DG, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR.
A Geometric Approach to Modeling Microstructurally Small Fatigue Crack Formation- Part I: Probabilistic Simulation of Constituent Particle Cracking in AA 7075-T651.
Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng, 16, 6, 1 September 2008, Article 065007.
Hochhalter JD, Littlewood D, Veilleux M, Bozek J, Ingraffea AR, Maniatty A. A geometric approach to modeling microstructurally small fatigue crack formation: II.
Simulation and prediction of crack nucleation in AA 7075-T651. Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 18, 2010, Article 045004
Coffman V, Sethna J, Ingraffea AR, Bailey N, Iesulauro E, Bozek J. Challenges in Continuum Modeling of Intergranular Fracture.
Strain, June, 2010, DOI 10.1111/j.1475-1305.2010.00741.x.
Ingraffea, A. R., Gerstle, K. H., Ko, H. - Y., "Effect of Orthotrophy on Stress Concentrations,"
in Mechanics in Engineering: Selected Proceedings of ASCE - EMD First Specialty Conference, SM Study No. 11, University of Waterloo, 1976, 169 - 182.
Ingraffea, A. R., Gerstle, K. H., Ko, H. - Y., "Effect of Anisotropy on Stress Concentrations,"
Proc. of the International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Soil and Rock Mechanics, Karlsruhe, 1976, 91 - 99.
Ingraffea, A. R., Heuze, F., Ko, H. - Y., "Fracture Propagation in Rock: Laboratory Tests and Finite Element Analysis,"
Proc. 17th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Snowbird, Utah, 1976, 5C4 - 1, 5C4 - 6.
Ingraffea, A. R., Heuze, F., Gerstle, K. H., "An Analysis of Discrete Fracture Propagation in Rock Loaded in Compression,"
Proc. 18th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Keystone, Colorado, 1977, 2A4-1, 2A4-7.
Ingraffea, A. R., "On Discrete Fracture Propagation in Rock Loaded in Compression,"
Proc. of the First International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, A. R. Luxmoore and D.R.J. Owen, eds., Swansea, 1978, 235 - 248.
Ingraffea, A. R., Schmidt, R. A., "Experimental Verification of a Fracture Mechanics Model for Tensile Strength Prediction of Indiana Limestone,"
Proc. 19th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Stateline, Nevada, 1978, 247 - 253.
Kulhawy, F. H., Ingraffea, A. R., "Geomechanical Model for Settlement of Long Dams on Discontinuous Rock Masses,"
Proc. of International Symposium on Rock Mechanics Related to Dam Foundations, International Society for Rock Mechan¬ics, Vol. 1, Rio de Janeiro, September, 1978, III.115 - III.128.
Ingraffea, A. R., "The Strength - Ratio Effect in the Fracture of Rock Structures,"
Proc. 20th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Austin, Texas, 1979, 153 - 169.
Blandford, G., Ingraffea, A. R., Liggett, J., "Mixed - Mode Stress Intensity Factor Calculations Using the Boundary Element Method,"
Proc. Third Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Austin, September 1979, 797 - 800.
Ingraffea, A. R., Saouma, V., Blandford, G., Chappell, J., "Crack Propagation in Rock and Concrete Structures",
Proc. International Symposium on Absorbed Specific Energy, C. Sih, E. Sgoboly, and H. Gillemot, Eds., Budapest, Septem¬ber, 1980, 207 - 221.
Ingraffea, A. R., Ko, H. - Y., "Determination of Fracture Parameters for Rock",
Proc. of First USA - Greece Symposium on Mixed Mode Crack Propagation, National Technical University, Athens, Greece, August 18 - 22, 1980, G. C. Sih and P. S. Theocaris, Eds., Sijthoff & Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, the Nether¬lands, 1981, 349 - 365.
Ingraffea, A. R., Abel, J. F., Kulhawy, F. H., "Interactive Computer Graphics for Analysis of Geotechnical Structures",
Proc. of the First International Confer¬ence on Computing in Civil Engineering, New York, N.Y, May 13 - 15, 1981, 864 - 875.
Saouma, V. E., Ingraffea, A. R., "Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Discrete Cracking,"
Proc. IABSE Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics of Reinforced Con¬crete, Delft, June, 1981, 393 - 416.
Ingraffea, A. R., "Mixed - Mode Fracture Initiation in Indiana Limestone and Westerly Granite,"
Proc. 22nd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, June 29 - July 2, 1981, 186 - 191.
Gerstle, W., Ingraffea, A. R., Gergely, P., "Tension Stiffening: A Fracture Mechanics and Interface Element Approach,"
Proc. Int. Conf. on Bond in Concrete, Paisley, Scotland, June, 1982, 97 - 106.
Kulhawy, F. H., Ingraffea, A. R., Huang, Y. - P., Han, T. - Y., Schulman, M. A., "Interactive Computer Graphics in Geomechanics,"
Proc. 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, 3, Ed-monton, Alberta, June 1982, 1181 - 1192.
Ingraffea, A. R., Gunsallus, K. L., Beech, J. F., Nelson, P., "A Fracture Testing System for Prediction of Tunnel Boring Machine Performance,"
Proc. 23rd U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Berkeley, California, August, 1982, 463 - 470.
Abel, J. F., McGuire, W., Ingraffea, A. R., "Computer Graphics for 3 - D Structural Analysis,"
Proc. of the ASCE 8th Conference on Electronic Computation, J. K. Nelson, Ed., Houston, Texas, February 21 - 23, 1983, 594 - 607.
Perucchio, R., Ingraffea, A. R., "Computer Graphic Boundary Integral Analysis,"
Proc. of the ASCE 8th Conference on Elect. Computation, J. K. Nelson, Ed., Houston, Texas, February 21 - 23, 1983, 422 - 435.
Perucchio, R. S., Ingraffea, A. R., "Interactive Computer Graphic Surface Modeling of Three - Dimensional Solid Domains for Boundary Element Analysis,"
Proc. NASA Symposium on Computer - Aided Geometry Modeling, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, April, 1983.
Perucchio, R. S., Ingraffea, A. R., "Integrated Computer Graphic BEM Analysis System,"
Proc. of the Fourth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Volume I, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, May 23 - 25, 1983, 114 - 117.
Ingraffea, A. R., Saouma, V., "Discrete Crack Modelling in Reinforced Concrete,"
Proc. of the Fourth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, ASCE, Volume II, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, May 23 - 25, 1983, 1105 - 1108.
Perucchio, R., Han, T. - Y., Ingraffea, A. R., Abel, J. F., "Interactive Mesh Creation for Three - Dimensional Solids,"
Proceedings of the U.S. - Sweden Workshop on CAD/CAM for Tooling and Forging Technology. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Ithaca, New York, 1983, 33 - 38.
Abel, J. F., Ingraffea, A. R., Perucchio, R., Han, T. - Y., Hajjar, J., "Interactive Computer Graphics for Finite Element, Boundary Element, and Finite Difference Methods",
Proc. of the 7th Invitational Symposium on the Unification of Finite Elements, Finite Differences, and Calculus of Variations, Chapter 2, H. Kardestuncer, Ed., North- Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.
Shaffer, R., Thorpe, R., Ingraffea, A. R., Heuze, F., "Numerical and Physical Studies of Fluid - Driven Fracture Propagation in Jointed Rock,"
Proc. of the 25th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Evanston, Illinois, June, 1984, 113 - 126.
Abel, J. F., Ingraffea, A. R., McGuire, W., Greenberg, D. P., "Interactive Color Graphical Postprocessing as a Unifying Influence in Numerical Analysis Research,"
Unification of Finite Element Software Systems, H. Kardestuncer, Ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, 21 - 38.
Kulhawy, F. H., Ingraffea, A. R., Han, T. - Y., Huang, Y. - P., "Interactive Computer Graphics in 3 - D Nonlinear Geotechnical FEM Analysis,"
Proc. 5th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, Nagoya, Japan, April, 1985.
Ingraffea, A. R., Wawrzynek, P. A., "Modeling of the Fracture Process Zone in Rock," Rock Masses: Modeling of Underground Openings,
Probability of Slope Failure, Fracture of Intact Rock, C. H. Dowding, Ed., ASCE, publisher, 1985, 151 - 157.
Shaffer, R. J., Ingraffea, A. R., Heuze, F. E., "An Improved Model for Fluid - Driven Cracks in Jointed Rock,"
Proc. of the 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Rapid City, South Dakota, June, 1985.
Gerstle, W. H., Ingraffea, A. R., "Error Control in Three-Dimensional Crack Modeling Using the Boundary Element Method",
Proc. of the Symposium on Advanced Topics in Boundary Element Analysis, T. A. Cruse, A. Pifko, H. Armen, Eds., ASME, Orlando, Florida, November, 1985, 205 - 211.
Ingraffea AR, Panthaki M, "Analysis of 'Shear Fracture Tests of Concrete Beams,"
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Struc¬tures, C Meyer and H Okamura, Eds., ASCE Publishers, 1986, 151 - 173.
Sabouni AR, El – Zanaty A, Ingraffea AR, "Finite Element Discretization for Mixed - Mode Fracture Problems,"
Proc. of the Ninth Conference on Electronic Computation, K. M. Will, Editor, University of Alabama, Birmingham, February, 1986, 257 - 267.
Llorca J, Elices M, lngraffea AR, "Propagacion de Fisuras en Estructuras de Hormigon" ("Crack Propagation in Concrete Structures"),
Proc. 11 Sim¬posium sobre Aplicaciones del Metodo de los Elementos Finitos en Ingenieria, Universitat Polite Unica de Catalunya, Barcelona. June. 1986, 25 - 40.
Gerstle WH, Ingraffea AR, "Boundary Element Modeling of Crack Propagation in Three Dimensions,"
Proc. of the 2nd Boundary Element Technology Conference. June 17-19, 1986, Cambridge, Massachusetts, J. Connors and C. Breb¬bia, Eds., 651 - 662.
Ingraffea AR, Mettam K, Gerstle WH, "An Analytical and Experimental Investigation into Fatigue Cracking in Welded Crane Runway Girders,"
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Structural Failure, Product Liability and Technical Insurance. H. P. Rossmanith, Ed., Vienna, July 1 - 3, 1986, 201 - 223.
Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, "Local Automatic Remeshing Around a Propagating Crack Tip Using Interactive Computer Graphics,"
Finite Element Method, Modeling. and New Applications, EM Patton, H Chung, F Hatt, D Hui, HA Kamel, Eds., ASME CED - Vol. 1, PVP - Vol. 101, 1986, 33 - 38.
O'Rourke TD, Ingraffea, AR, Norman RS, Burnham KB, "Evaluation of Cased and Uncased Gas Pipelines at Railroads,"
Proc. Interna¬tional Gas Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario, September 1986.
Heuze FE, Shaffer RJ, Ingraffea AR, "A Coupled Model for Fluid Driven Fractures,"
Coupled Processes Associated with Nuclear Waste Repositories. Ching - Fu Tsang, Ed., Academic Press, 1987, 655 - 662.
Shaffer R, Heuze F, Thorpe R, Ingraffea AR, Nilson R, "Models of Quasi - Static and Dynamic Fluid - Driven Fracturing in Jointed Rocks,"
Proc. of the 6th Int. Congress on Rock Mech., Montreal, Canada, G. Herget and S. Vongpaisal, eds, A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam, 1987.
Thiercelin M, Roegiers JC, Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR," An Investigation of the Material Parameters that Govern Behavior of Fractures Approaching Rock Interfaces,"
Proc. of the 6th Intl. Congress on Rock Mech. Mon-treal, Canada, G. Herget and S. Vongpaisal, Eds., A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam 1987, 263 - 269.
Swenson D, Ingraffea AR, "A Finite Element Model of Dynamic Crack Propagation with an Application to Intersecting Cracks,"
Proc.of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, March 23 - 27, 1987, San Antonio, Texas, AR Luxmoore, DRJ Owen, YPS Ra¬japakse, and MF Kanninen, Eds, 191 - 204.
Wawrzynek P, Boone T, and Ingraffea AR, "Efficient Techniques for Modeling the Fracture Process Zone in Rock and Concrete,"
Proc. of the Fourth lnternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, March 23-27, 1987, San Antonio, Texas, AR Luxmoore, DRJ Owen, Y S Rajapakse, and MF Kanninen, Eds., 473 - 482.
Shaffer RJ, Heuze FE, Thorpe RK, Ingraffea AR, Nilson RH, "Models of Quasi-Static and Dynamic Fluid- Driven Fracturing in Jointed Rocks,"
Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Me¬chanics, March 23-27, 1987, San Antonio, Texas, A. R. Luxmoore, D. R. J. Owen, Y. S. Rajapakse, and M. F. Kanninen, Eds, 505 - 518.
Boone TJ, Ingraffea AR. "Simulation of the Fracture Process at Rock lnterfaces,"
Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, March 23 - 27, 1987, San Antonio, Texas, AR Luxmoore, DRJ Owen, YPS Rajapakse, and MF Kanninen, Eds, 519 - 531.
Ingraffea, A. R., "Interactive Computer Simulation of Fracture Processes,"
Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, March 23 - 27, 1987, San Antonio, Texas, A. R. Luxmoore, D. R. J. Owen, Y. P. S. Rajapakse, and M. F. Kanninen, Eds, 677 - 699.
Ingraffea, A. R., Linsbauer, H.N., Rossmanith, H.P., "Computer Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam: Downstream Side Cracking,"
Fracture of Concrete and Rock, S. Shah and S. Swartz, Eds, Springer Verlag, New York, 1987, 334 - 342.
Ingraffea, A. R., Boone, T. J., "Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Rock,"
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, G. Swoboda, editor, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1988, 95 - 105.
Wawrzynek, P., Martha, L., Ingraffea, A. R., "A Computational Environment for the Simulation of Fracture Processes in Three Dimensions,"
Proc. of the Symposium on Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Aspects of Three - Dimensional Fracture Processes, A. Rosakis, Ed., Berkeley, CA, June, 1988, 321 - 327.
Kulhawy, F. H., Gunsallus, K. L., Ingraffea, A. R., and Wong, C. - W. Patrick, "Some Recent Developments in Interactive Computer Graphics for 3 - D Nonlinear Geotechnical FEM Analysis,"
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, G. Swoboda, Ed., Balkema, Rotterdam, 1988, 121 - 134.
Boone, T. J., Ingraffea, A. R., "Simulation of Fracture Propagation in Poroelastic Materials with Application to the Measurement of Fracture Parameters,"
Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy: Test Methods for Concrete and Rock, Mihashi, H., Takahashi, H., Wittman, F., Eds., A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1989, 325 - 344.
Grigoriu, M., El Borgi, S., Saif, M., and Ingraffea, A. R.,"Probabilistic Prediction of Mixed Mode Fracture Initiation and Trajectory Under Random Stresses,"
Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering, Spanos, P.D., Ed., Proceedings of the 5th ASCE Specialty Conference, May 25 - 27, 1988, Blacksburg, Virginia, ASCE, 1988, 61 - 64.
Shaffer, R. J., Heuze, F. E., Thorpe, R. K., Ingraffea, A. R , and Nilson, R. H., "Models of Quasi - Static and Dynamic Fluid - Driven Fracturing in Jointed Rocks,"
Fracture of Concrete and Rock, S. P. Shah and S. E. Swartz, Eds., Springer - Verlag, New York, 1989, 189 - 198.
Boone, T. J., Ingraffea, A. R., "An Investigation of Poroelastic Effects Re¬lated to Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Rock and Stress Measurement Techniques,"
Proc. of the 30th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics. A. W. Khair, Ed., A. A. Balkema, Publisher, Rotterdam, 1989, 73 - 80.
A. R. Ingraffea, H. Linsbauer, H. Rossmanith, "Computer Simulation of Cracking in a Large Arch Dam Downstream Side Cracking,"
Fracture of Concrete and Rock, S. P. Shah and S. E. Swartz, Eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989, 334 - 342.
Gunsallus, K., Kulhawy, F., Ingraffea, A. R., "A Geotechnical Analysis System with Applications for Drilled Shaft Foundations, "
Foundation Engineering: Current Principles and Practices, Vol. 1, F. H. Kulhawy, Ed., ASCE, New York, 1989, 640 - 653.
Wong, P., Kulhawy, F., Ingraffea, A. R., "Numerical Modeling of Interface Behavior for Drilled Shaft Foundations Under Generalized Loadings,"
Foundation Engineering: Current Principles and Practices, F. Kulhawy, Ed., ASCE, New York, 1989, 565 - 579.
Wawrzynek, P., Martha, L., Ingraffea, A. R., "FRANSYS: A Software System for the Simulation of Crack Propagation in Three - Dimensions,"
Proceedings of Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics. IUTAM/IJACM, H. Mang and G. Kuhn, Eds., Vienna, June, 1989, 273-282.
Lamkin, S. J., Wawrzynek, P. A. and Ingraffea, A.R., "Two - Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Interacting Fractures in Rock,"
Fracture of Con¬crete and Rock: Recent Developments, S. P., Shah, S.E. Swartz, B. Barr, Eds., Elsevier Science Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1989, 121 - 131.
Sousa, JL., Martha, LF., Wawrzynek, PA. and Ingraffea, AR., "Simulation of Non - Planar Crack Propagation in Three - Dimensional Structures in Concrete and Rock,"
Fracture of Concrete and Rock: Recent Developments, S. P., Shah, S.E. Swartz, B. Barr, Eds., Elsevier Science Publishing, New York, N.Y., 1989, 254 - 264.
Gaisbauer, HR., Ingraffea AR., Rossmanith, HP., Wagner, E., "Bruchmechanische Überlegungen Bei Gewölbesperren",
Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Hydraulic Structures, Vienna, November 13-15, 1990, 215-230.
Ingraffea, AR., Grigoriu, MD., Swenson, DV., "Representation and Probability Issues in the Simulation of Multi-Site Damage",
Structural Integrity of Aging Airplanes, S. Atluri, S. Sampath, P. Tong (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 183-197, 1991.
Bittencourt, TN. Wawrzynek, PA., Ingraffea, AR., "Simplified Micro-Modelling of Failure in Unidirectional Composites",
Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conference on Numerical Methods in Fracture Mechanics, Freiburg, West Germany, April, 1990.
Ingraffea, AR., Bittencourt, T., and Sousa, JL., "Automatic Fracture Propagation for 2D Finite Element Models",
Proc. of the XI Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, November, 957-982, 1990.
Lutz, E., Gray, L., and Ingraffea, AR., "Indirect Evaluation of Surface Stress in the Boundary Element Method,"
in Boundary Integral Methods, L. Morino and R. Piva, Eds., Springer Verlag, Berlin, 339-348, 1991.
Lutz, E., Wawrzynek, P., and Ingraffea, AR., "Using Parameterized Gaussian Quadrature in the 2D BEM for Elasticity",
Computational Engineering with Boundary Elements, Vol. 2: Solid and Computational Problems, A. H-S. Cheng, C. A. Brebbia, S. Grille, Eds., Computational Mechanics Publications, 1990.
Sousa, JL., Ingraffea, AR., "A Numerical, Energy-Based Approach for Three-Dimensional Fracture Propagation",
Computer Methods and Mechanics - Proceedings of the Seventh Int. Conf. on Comp. Meth. and Advances in Geomech., Beer, G. Booker, J., Carter, J. (eds.), Balkemo, Rotterdam, 2, 1653-1658, 1991.
Ingraffea, AR., O'Rourke, T. D., Stewart, H. S., Barry, A., Crossley, C., "Guidelines for Uncased Crossings of Highways and Railroads",
Pipeline Crossings, J. P. Castronovo, Ed., ASCE, New York, 34-46, 1991.
TD. O'Rourke, KB. Burnham, BM. New, HE. Stewart, AR. Ingraffea, "Practice and Performance Record for Pipelines at Railroad and Highway Crossings",
Pipeline Crossings, J. P. Castronovo, Ed., ASCE, New York, 248-262, 1991.
TD. O'Rourke, HE. Stewart, AR. Ingraffea, S. El Gharbawy, "Influence of Soil-Pipeline Stiffness on Bending Stresses from Surface Loading",
Pipeline Crossings, J. P. Castronovo, Ed., ASCE, New York, 406-417, 1991.
Bittencourt, T., Ingraffea, AR., Llorca, J., “Simulation of Arbitrary, Cohesive Crack Propagation”,
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Z. Bazant, Editor, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, 339-350, 1992.
Zehnder, A., Viz, M., Ingraffea, AR., “Fatigue Fracture in Thin Plates Subjected to Tensile and Shearing Loads: Crack Tip Fields, J-Integral and Preliminary Experimental Results”,
Proc. of the VII Int. Cong. Exp. Mech., Soc. Exp. Mech., Bethel, CT, 44-50, 1992.
Gaisbauer, H., Rossmanith, H-P., Ingraffea, AR., "Die Aus bwirkungen eines wasserseitlichen Horizontalrisses in der Nähe der Aufstandsflache auf verschiedene Gewölbesperrentypen",
Proceedings of the 7th Internationales Seminar der Wasserkraftanlagen, Konigsberger, A., et al, Editors, Wien, Austria, November, 1992, 143-157.
Lutz, E., Gray, L., Ingraffea, AR., “An Overview of Integration Methods for Hypersingular Boundary Integrals”,
Boundary Elements XIII, C. Brebbia and G. Gipson, Editors, Computational Mechanics Publications, Elsevier Applied Science, 913-925, 1991.
Andrews, JR., Stinehour, JE., Lean, MH., Potyondy, DO., Wawrzynek, PA., Ingraffea, AR., Rainsdon, MD., “Holographic Display of Computer Simulations,”
Practical Holography V, S.A. Benton, Ed., SPIE Vol. 1461, Bellingham, Washington, 110-123, 1991.
Potyondy, D., Ingraffea, AR., “A Methodology for Simulation of Curvilinear Crack Growth in Pressurized Fuselages”,
Durability of Metal Aircraft Structures: Proc. Int. Workshop Struct. Integrity Aging Airplanes, S. N. Atluri et al, Eds., Atlanta Technology Publications, Atlanta, 217-230, 1992.
Ingraffea, AR, “Computer-Aided Engineering”,
Proceedings of the U.S.-Canada Workshop on Recent Accomplishments and Future Trends in Geomechanics in the 21st Century, Zaman, Desai, Selvadurai, Editors, University of Oklahoma, October 21-23, 124-127, 1992.
Grigoriu, M, Ingraffea, AR, "Probability-Based Inspection Planning",
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Structural Integrity of Aging Airplanes, 231-242, Atlanta, Georgia, March 20 - 22, 1992.
Morales, H. Brady, B, Ingraffea, AR, “Three-Dimensional Analysis and Visualization of the Wellbore and the Fracturing Process in Inclined Wells”,
Paper SPE25889, Society of Petroleum Engineers Joint Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting and Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, CO, April 12-14, 1993.
Dyskin, A, Germanovich, L, Ingraffea, AR, Lee, K, Ring, L, “Modeling Crack Propagation in Compression”, Rock Mechanics: Models and Measurements Challenges from Industry",
Proceedings of the First North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, P. Nelson, S. Laubach, Eds., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 451-462, 1994.
Bittencourt, T, Ingraffea, AR, “Three Dimensional Cohesive Crack Analysis of the Short Rod Fracture Toughness Test Specimen”,
Computer Modeling of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of EURO-C 1994 International Conference, H. Mang, N. Bicanic, R. De Borst, Editors, Pineridge Press Ltd., Swansea, UK, 1-16, 1994.
Carter, B, Wawrzynek, P, Ingraffea, AR, “Hydraulic Fracture from the Interface of a Cased Wellbore”, Rock Mechanics: Models and Measurements Challenges from Industry,
Proceedings of the First North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, P. Nelson, S. Laubach, Eds., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 185-192, 1994.
Carter, B, Ingraffea, AR, "Effects of Casing and Interface Behavior on Hydraulic Fracture",
Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, H. Siriwardane and M. Zaman, Eds., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2, 1561-1566, 1994.
Wawrzynek, P, Carter, B, Potyondy, D, Ingraffea, AR, "Topological Approach to Modeling Arbitrary Crack Propagation in 3D",
DIANA Computational Mechanics ‘94, G.M.A. Kusters and M.A.N. Hendriks, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 69-94, 1994.
Potyondy, DO, Wawrzynek, P, Ingraffea, AR, “Discrete Crack Growth Analysis Methodology for Through Cracks in Pressurized Fuselage Structures”,
Proc. of FAA/NASA International Symposium of Advanced Structural Integrity Methods for Airframe Durability and Damage Tolerance, C. Harris, Ed.., NASA Conference Pub. 3274, 581-602, 1994.
Bittencourt, TN, Ingraffea, AR, "A Numerical Model for 3D Cohesive Cracking",
Proceeding of the XV CILAMCE Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1, 849-858, 1994.
Carter, BJ, Ingraffea, A R, Bittencourt, T N, “Topological Control of the Modeling of Linear and Nonlinear 3D Crack Propagation in Geomaterials”,
Fracture of Brittle Disordered Materials: Concrete, Rock, and Ceramics, B. L. Karihaloo and G. Baker, Eds., E&FN Spon, Publishers, London, 301-318, 1995.
Carter, B, Dyskin, A, Germanovich, L, Ingraffea, AR, Ring, L, Ustinov, K, “3-D Numerical Simulation of Crack Growth and Interaction in Compression”,
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Rock Mechanics, Tokyo, September, 1, 219-226, 1995.
Ingraffea AR, Carter,B, Wawrzynek P, “Application of Computational Fracture Mechanics to Repair of Large Concrete Structures”,
Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures, Part 3, F. Wittman Edt., AEDIFICATIO Publishers, 1995.
Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek P, “FRANC2D: A Case Study in Transfer of Software Technology”,
Research Transformed into Practice: Implementations of NSF Research, J. Colville, A. Amde, Eds., ASCE Press, New York, 233-344, 1995.
Germanovich LN, Carter BJ, Ingraffea AR, Dyskin AV, Lee KK. "Mechanics of 3D Crack Growth in Compression,"
in Rock Mechanics Tools and Techniques, 2nd North American Rock Mechanics Symposium, Montreal, Canada, Aubertin, Hassani & Mitri (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 1151-1160, 1996.
Chen C-S, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, "Simulation of Stable Tearing and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages”,
Proceedings of the FAA/NASA Symposium on Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures, August 28-30, Atlanta, GA, 605-618, 1996.
Carter BJ, Chen C-S, Ingraffea AR, Wawrzynek P.A. "A Topology-Based System for Modeling 3D Crack Growth in Solid and Shell Structures ",
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Fracture, Sydney, Australia, Elsevior Science Publishers, April, 1923-1934, 1997 .
Ingraffea AR, Gray L, Wawrzynek P, "A New Boundary Element Formulation for the Simulation of Damage in Composite Joints",
Proceedings of the 38th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April, 1997.
Chen C.-S , Wawrzynek PA, and Ingraffea AR, "Methodology for Fatigue Crack Growth and Residual Strength Prediction with Applications to Aircraft Fuselages,"
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium: Innovative Computational Methods for Fracture and Damage, Dublin, Ireland, 1997.
Chen C.-S, Wawrzynek PA, and Ingraffea AR, “Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Stable Crack Growth and Residual Strength Prediction,"
Proceedings of the Sixth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, 1773-1778, 1998.
Myers CR, Arwade SR, Iesulauro E, Wawrzynek PA, Grigoriu M, Ingraffea AR, Dawson PR, Miller MP, Sethna JP, ``Digital Material: a Framework for Multiscale Modeling of Defects in Solids'',
Proceedings of Symposium J: Multiscale Materials Modeling, Materials Research Society Fall 1998 Meeting, Materials Research Society, 1998.
Hanson JH. and Ingraffea AR., "Behavior of Concrete Round Double Beam Fracture Toughness Test Specimens,"
Proceedings Third International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, International Association of Fracture Mechanics for Concrete and Construction Standards (IAFraMCoS), Gifu, Japan, Vol. 1, pp 441-452, 1998.
Ingraffea AR., Chen D, Wawrzynek P, “How Long Can They Fly? Computer Simulation and the Aging Aircraft Problem”,
Proc. 39th Israel Annual Conf. Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv, 2-1:2-16, 1999.
Arwade S, Grigoriu M, Ingraffea A, Miller M. “Crack Growth in Stochastic Microstructures”,
Stochastic Structural Dynamics, Spencer, B. F. & Johnson, E. A., Eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, 265-272, 1999.
Lewicki D, Spievak L, Wawrzynek P, Ingraffea, A, Handschuh R, “Consideration of Moving Tooth Load in Gear Crack Propagation Predictions”,
Proc. ASME DETC 2000, Paper DETC2000/PTG-14386, Baltimore, MD, Sept. 10-13, 2000, 10 pp. Also, NASA/TM-2000-210227.
Carter B, Chen, C-S, Chew P, Chrisochoides N, Gao G, Heber G, Ingraffea A, Krause R, Myers C, Nave D, Pingali K, Stodghill P, Vavasis S, Wawrzynek P,
“Parallel FEM Simulation of Crack Propagation-Challenges, Status, and Perspectives”,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1800, Springer Verlag, 2000.
Gall K, Iesulauro E, Hui H, Ingraffea A, “Atomistic and continuum based fracture modeling in single crystal Silicon”,
in Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences 2000, Volume II, Satya N. Atluri and Frederick W. Brust, editors, 2000-2006, Tech Science Press, 2000.
Hanson JH and Ingraffea AR. ”Comparison of Measured Fracture Toughness and Size Independent Fracture Toughness for Concrete”,
in Advances in Fracture: Proceedings of ICF 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 4-7, 2001, ICF100775OR.
Iesulauro E, Dodhia K, Cretegny T, Chen C-S, Myers C,Ingraffea AR, "Continuum-Atomistic Modeling for Crack Initiation and Propagation in Polycrystals,"
n Advances in Fracture: Proceedings of ICF 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 4-7, 2001, ICF100157OR.
Myers C, Chen C-S, Cretegny T, Bailey NP, Dolgert AJ, Eastgate LO, Rauscher M, Sethna JP, Iesulauro E, Ingraffea AR,
“Software methodologies for multiscale descriptions of defects, deformation and fracture”, in Advances in Fracture:
Proceedings of ICF 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 4-7, 2001, ICF100913OR.
Carter BJ, Ingraffea AR, and Lai Y-H, “Simulating transverse fracturing of thin plastic sheet”,
in Advances in Fracture: Proceedings of ICF 10, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 4-7, 2001, ICF100472OR.
Hanson, J. H. and Ingraffea, A. R., 2001, “On the Accuracy of Fracture Toughness Test Results for Concrete Using Different Size and Geometry Specimens and Data Reduction Methods,”
Fracture Mechanics for Concrete Materials: Testing and Applications, ACI SP-201, C. Vipulanandan and W. H. Gerstle, Eds., American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 111-132.
Han T-S, Billington SL and Ingraffea AR, “Simulation strategies for RC building under seismic loading,” In R. de Borst, J. Mazars, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, and J.G.M van Mier (Eds.),
Proceedings of the fourth international conference of fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures, Cachan, France, 28 May – 1 June 2001, pp. 933-940.
Han T-S, Billington SL and Ingraffea AR, 2002, “Simulation strategies to predict seismic response of RC structures,”
ACI Special Publication, 2002.
Iesulauro E, Cretegny T, Chen C-S, Dodhia K, Myers C, Ingraffea AR. "Analytical and Computational Fracture Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Materials",
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium, Cardiff, 18-22, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 167-177, 2002.
Chew LP, Chrisochoides N, Gopalsamy S, Heber G, Ingraffea AR, Luke E, Cavalcante Neto JB, Pingali K, Shih A, Soni BK, Stodghill P, Thompson D, Vavasis SA, Wawrzynek PA:
Computational Science Simulations Based on Web Services. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 299-308.
Anagnostou E, Brahme A, Cornwell C, El-Dasher BS, Fridy J, Horstemeyer MF, Ingraffea AR, Lee S-B, Maniatty A, Noack R, Papazian J, Rollett AD, Saylor D, Weiland H,
“Simulation of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation in Aluminum Alloys using Realistic Microstructures”, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fracture, Turin, Italy, March 20-25, 2005.
Emery J, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR, “DDSIM: A Next Generation Damage and Durability Simulator”,
Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Fracture, Turin, Italy, March 20-25, 2005.
Oneida EK, van der Meulen MCH, Ingraffea AR. "Finite element-based methodology for studying crack propagation at the microstructural length-scale in cortical bone".
17th Annual Symposium on Computational Methods in Orthopeadic Biomechanics. Feb. 21, 2009.
Hochhalter JD, Spear AD, Ingraffea AR, "Crack trajectory prediction in thin shells using finite element analysis",
Proc. 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, Ithaca, NY USA, 2008.
Spear AD, Ingraffea AR, "Residual strength prediction of damaged aircraft structure using 3D finite element modeling",
Proc NASA Aviation Safety Technical Conference, Denver, CO, 2008.
Hochhalter J, Glaessgen E, Ingraffea AR, Aquino W, "A Method for Combining Experimentation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Improve Cohesive Zone Models",
Proc 12th International Conference on Fracture. Ottawa, Canada. July 2009.
Wawrzynek PA, Carter BJ, and Ingraffea AR,"Advances in Simulation of Arbitrary 3D Crack Growth using FRANC3D/NG,"
Proc. 12th International Conference on Fracture. Ottawa, Canada. July 2009.
Oneida EK, van der Meulen MCH, Ingraffea AR, Relationships among microstructural features and crack propagation in osteonal bone identified using finite element analysis.
Proc. 12th International Conference on Fracture. Ottawa, Canada. July 2009.
Bozek JE, Veilleux MG, Hochhalter JD, Wawrzynek PA, Ingraffea AR. Stochastic Framework for Predicting Microstructurally Small Fatigue Life of AA 7075-T651.
Proc.12th International Conference on Fracture. Ottawa, Canada. July 2009.
Spear AD, Hochhalter JD, Ingraffea AR, "Simulation of discrete-source damage propagation and residual strength of aircraft structures",
Proc. 12th International Conference on Fracture. Ottawa, Canada. July 2009.
Ingraffea AR, Brune P, Perucchio R, “The Toughness of Ancient Roman Concrete”,
Proceedings of the 7th int conf of fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures, Jeju Island, South Korea, May, 2010.