DoD SBIR Success Story
The DoD SBIR Program was a major contributor to the success of the FRANC3D software.
The US Air Force Research Lab at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio was instrumental in FAC's initial efforts to create a new generation of FRANC3D.
The US Navy has been a long-time supporter and user of the FRANC3D software. FAC has worked on two NAVAIR funded SBIR projects related to fretting fatigue.
FAC and SWRI worked on a project funded by the US Air Force, which combined the DARWIN and FRANC3D software.
Fretting Fatigue
FAC and Impact Technologies (now part of Sikorsky Innovations) worked on two projects funded by the US Navy. Some of this work is described in:
Carter, B.J., Schenck, E.C., Wawrzynek, P.A., Ingraffea, A.R., and Barlow, K.W. (2012) Three-dimensional Simulation of Fretting Crack Nucleation and Growth, EFM, 96, 447-460.
Reprise Software
FRANC3D uses the RLM software for licensing. Users can read the RLM end-user documentation to learn more about installing and running RLM.
Cornell Fracture Group
The CFG site contains links to the FRANC2D and FRANC3D/Classic/BEM software and other inforomation related to computational fracture mechanics.
SIEMENS Digital Industries Software
FAC has a partnership agreement with SIEMENS, which allows us to provide a more robust interface between FRANC3D and NX Nastran.